March 14, 2017
The Death Penalty and Florida Law

The Death Penalty and Florida Law Florida is known as the sunshine state, so when one hears the word Florida, they think sun, sand and Disney World. Therefore, many would be surprised to learn that Florida has executed 93 people and is in the top ten states with the most deaths as punishment for crimes […]

February 8, 2017
Florida's Kidnapping Laws

Kidnapping Laws First and foremost, it is a serious felony to kidnap another person. The term "kidnapping" is defined under Florida's statute 787.01 as using force, a threat of force, or acted secretly to imprison, abduct or confine another person against his or her will. Consequently, kidnapping is a first-degree felony punishable by imprisonment in […]

January 10, 2017
Probation and Violations

Probation and Violations Probation, which is the release of an offender from detention and subject to a period of good behavior under supervision. In addition, the person can rejoin the community. There are many violations that may revoke probation. While it seems like an easy out from serving a sentence in jail, it is not. […]

December 18, 2016
Are Police Allowed to Search Your Computer or Cell Phone?

Are the Police Allowed to Search Your Computer or Cell Phone Without a Warrant? Can police search your cell phone or computer? Since your computer and cell phone hold so much personal information and sensitive data, they are most worthy of protecting from prying eyes, including those of the government. In addition, if the police […]

December 16, 2016
Is it Legal for Police to Draw Blood in the Event of a DUI?

Is it Legal for Police to Draw Blood to Test for Alcohol if Driving Under the Influence is Suspected? It is important to know your rights and understand what you can and can not do in the event you are stopped for driving under the influence or involved in driving under the influence and getting […]

September 1, 2016
Man Released from Prison After 25 Years

NBC News reported the following story about a Philadelphia man who was found not guilty by a jury after spending 25 years in prison for rape and murder. A Philadelphia man was given his freedom Tuesday after spending 25 years in prison for a rape and murder that a jury found he did not commit. […]

August 24, 2016
Arizona Sheriff Could Be Facing Criminal Charges

It isn’t often that you see a federal judge asking a federal prosecutor to file criminal charges against a sitting sheriff, but according to the following CNN article, that is precisely what is occurring in Arizona. Tough-talking Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio could soon be facing criminal charges himself. Federal Judge G. Murray Snow has asked […]

August 8, 2016
Which is more dangerous? A Krispy Kreme Doughnut or Methamphetamine?

Sometimes drug evidence listed by local authorities as methamphetamine can turn out to be something else. This recent story from the Orlando Sentinel describes how one man got arrested due to this type of mistake. Daniel Rushing treats himself to a Krispy Kreme doughnut every other Wednesday. He used to eat them in his car. […]

July 27, 2016
Florida Paramedics Facing Criminal Charges for Taking Selfies with Unconscious Patients

The following article from the Washington Post is about two paramedics in Florida who are facing criminal charges after taking selfies with unconscious patients. To Kayla Renee Dubois, 24, and Christopher Wimmer, 33, the selfies they allegedly took were an amusing workplace rivalry. From September 2015 to April of this year, police said, the pair […]

July 18, 2016
Drug Kits Used By Police Can Sometimes Send Innocent People to Jail

I once represented a client who was arrested and formally charged with trafficking in heroin. However, when that so-called heroin was sent to the lab at the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, it was determined that it was not, in fact, heroin. That charge was dropped. So when I read the following recent article from […]

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Since 1990, Mr. Chapman has been representing people who have been accused of committing various types of crimes such as DUI, domestic violence, possession of a firearm, drug possession, expungement, traffic crimes, murder, manslaughter, crimes against children, sex crimes, crimes against the elderly, appeals, and violations of probation.
Criminal Defense Lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL
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