False accusations are statements made by another party that damages the reputation, integrity, or character of the targeted person. Any statement that is contrary to the truth is a false accusation. An accusation can be a formal charge accusing someone of a crime or an informal statement accusing someone of being involved in an illegal or immoral act.
In Florida, Florida Statute Section 817.49 states it is a criminal offense to knowingly give a false report regarding a crime that did not occur.
If you are a victim of a false accusation or defamation of character, act quickly, document all evidence, and hire an experienced criminal defense attorney. Ron Chapman is a experienced criminal defense attorney who can represent you if you are falsely accused or your character has been defamed.
Ronald Chapman knows the importance of reliable and relevant evidence and which types of evidence work best with different charges. He is an experienced defense attorney. If you are accused of a crime and need help, call Ronald Chapman to assist.
Criminal Defense Attorney West Palm Beach
Ronald Chapman practices criminal defense in both State and Federal Courts within the State of Florida. Since 1990, Mr. Chapman has been representing people accused of committing various types of crimes. If you are facing criminal charges in Florida, Ronald Chapman can help.
Schedule your FREE Consultation! Call (561) 832-4348 or visit his website.
Visit us at https://justiceflorida.com/ You can also connect with the West Palm Beach Criminal Defense Office online today! Ronald Chapman, an experienced criminal defense lawyer, dedicated to defending your rights. Contact him today to begin to discuss your case.
Ronald S. Chapman, P.A.
400 Clematis Street, Suite 206
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
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