October 15, 2019
Resisting Arrest and Florida Law - Can I Face Charges for Resisting Arrest?

Arrest It is essential to know your rights if you are ever in the situation of being arrested. Police are allowed to use reasonable force when making an arrest. However, it is illegal for police to use excessive force, which infringes on the civil rights of the arrestee.

September 15, 2019
The Function and Responsibilities of State Attorneys and Prosecutors

  Prosecutors Prosecutors are lawyers who represent the government and are responsible for presenting a case in a criminal trial against an individual that they think has committed a crime. Prosecutors investigate, charge, and prosecute. At the state level, prosecutors are also known as district or state attorneys.

August 15, 2019
Myths, Rules, and How to Avoid a Violation of Your Probation

Probation Not all people convicted of crimes are sent to jail. Many times, people who have been convicted of a crime, but have a clean record, can be sentenced to probation. Provided the convicted meet specific criteria for a prescribed length of time, they can remain free.

July 15, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About the Pretrial Intervention Program

What is a Pretrial Intervention? Pretrial intervention is a program run by your State Attorney’s Office. The state will consider sending minor, non-violent cases to the Pretrial Intervention. If you and the state agree to a pretrial intervention, you will both sign a non-binding contract if you complete negotiated conditions. The state will decide to […]

June 15, 2019
Should You Consent to a Search of Your Car by Florida Police Officers?

  Police Searches Have you ever been pulled over by a police officer? It can be an intimidating scenario. Imagine the officer explaining that you have been pulled over for speeding, asking for your license and registration, and then asking to search your vehicle. Do you have to consent?

May 15, 2019
Everything You Need to Know About Police Interrogations in Florida

Police Interrogations Interrogation is one tactic law enforcement uses to obtain confessions from people they suspect have committed a crime. Police will question the suspect. It is crucial for the public to know what to expect from a police interrogation and how to protect your rights.

April 15, 2019
Mistaken Eyewitness Identification is Common - Ways to Prevent It

Mistaken Eyewitness Identification Did you know that over 75% of cases overturned through DNA testing involved eyewitness error? Mistaken eyewitness identifications are a leading cause of wrongful convictions in the United State’s Court System. Ronald Chapman can help ensure there are no wrong convictions because of misidentification. He defends the accused.

March 1, 2019
What You Need to Know About Kidnapping and Florida Law

Kidnapping Kidnapping is a serious crime in any state. According to Florida Statute 787.01, kidnapping is defined as using force to imprison, abduct, or confine another person against their will. Kidnapping is a first-degree felony and punishable by life in the Florida State Prison system.

February 1, 2019
The American Judicial System and Jury Selection

America’s Judicial System The American Judicial System is a federal system with individual governments in each of the fifty states and the federal government at the center. Each state has its own judicial system conducted in state court. The trial by jury is the most fundamental feature of the American Criminal Judicial System. Guaranteed by […]

January 1, 2019
Florida’s Immigration Laws on Immigration Status

Immigration Immigration is big news currently and it is important to be aware of the relationship and tensions between state and federal law when it comes to immigration. Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to […]

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Since 1990, Mr. Chapman has been representing people who have been accused of committing various types of crimes such as DUI, domestic violence, possession of a firearm, drug possession, expungement, traffic crimes, murder, manslaughter, crimes against children, sex crimes, crimes against the elderly, appeals, and violations of probation.
Criminal Defense Lawyer in West Palm Beach, FL
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