Not all people convicted of crimes are sent to jail. Many times, people who have been convicted of a crime, but have a clean record, can be sentenced to probation. Provided the convicted meet specific criteria for a prescribed length of time, they can remain free.
While on probation, the offender is allowed to go to work, provide for their family, pay restitution for their crime, but most importantly, they are allowed to remain free. While this sounds great, probation is not always easy for everyone to follow. If the offender does not follow the conditions of their probation, they will be in violation and arrested. Once arrested, they can be held without bond until going before a judge.
Probation can be costly. Offenders must pay for drug screenings and electronic monitoring. If someone is struggling financially, their probation officer can submit a request for the court to lower the costs or waive the costs. A defense attorney can also request this at sentencing.
Not adhering to the probation conditions can result in re-arrest and may include jail or prison time. Violating probation at any time during their probational period is a severe offense that can result in the offender being more severely sentenced.
Florida does not give credit for time spent on probation. With the help of an experienced defense attorney, a defendant may be able to persuade a judge to reinstate their probation.
Ronald Chapman
Contact Ronald Chapman today if you or a loved one is charged violating their probation, contact Ronald Chapman. Ronald Chapman is an experienced defense attorney who can help you understand the terms of your probation and how to avoid a violation.
Criminal Defense Attorney West Palm Beach
Ronald Chapman practices criminal defense in both State and Federal Courts within the State of Florida. Since 1990, Mr. Chapman has been representing people accused of committing various types of crimes. If you are facing criminal charges in Florida, Ronald Chapman can help. Schedule your FREE Consultation! Call (561) 832-4348 or visit his website.
Visit us at You can also connect with the West Palm Beach Criminal Defense Office online today! Ronald Chapman, an experienced criminal defense lawyer, dedicated to defending your rights. Contact him today to begin to discuss your case.
Ronald S. Chapman, P.A.
400 Clematis Street, Suite 206
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
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